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“.NET Framework” has 244 entries.

  1. Programming Microsoft Dynamics® CRM 4.0; Chapter 3: Communicating with Microsoft CRM APIs; “CrmService Web Service”; GetCrmService(); p. 54
  2. Programming Microsoft Dynamics® CRM 4.0; Chapter 3: Communicating with Microsoft CRM APIs; .NET Framework 3.0 Support; p. 52
  3. Silverlight 3.x Plug-In Parameters; Laurent Duveau
  4. Constraints on Type Parameters (C# Programming Guide)
  5. OData C# Code: An Example of Getting Scalar Data Asynchronously
  6. Unity C# Code: Static Service Locator Pattern for Unity; Richard Banks;
  7. WPF/Silverlight: “Layout with Absolute and Dynamic Positioning”
  8. Silverlight 3.0: “Silverlight 3.0 RTW: The CollectionViewSource”
  9. C# StructureMap: Simple Dependency Injection Sample for WPF
  10. WPF: “WPF Databinding: How do I access the ‘parent’ data context?”;; RelativeSource FindAncestor
  11. WPF XAML: “Binding to the Current Item in WPF”; Binding to the Current Item in in a Collection; ObservableCollection
  12. Visual Studio 2008: Flippant Remarks about Test Run Configuration Files
  13. WPF: “Introduction to WPF Layout”;
  14. WPF: “VirtualizingStackPanel Class (System.Windows.Controls)”; the IsVirtualizing Property; Performance; MSDN
  15. WPF MVVM: “Rockford Lhotka—Initial thoughts on MVVM”
  16. WCF: “Data Contract Known Types”
  17. WPF: “Object Lifetime Events”; MSDN
  18. WPF: “Setting the Width (and Height) as a Percentage Value”
  19. WPF: “What is the difference between the ‘Resource’ and ‘Embedded Resource’ build actions?”
  20. LINQ: “LINQ To Entities and Lazy Loading”; Include()
  21. C#: “What is the second meaning of a single ampersand in C#?”;
  22. WPF: “How Do I Add a Splitter to my WPF Window?”;
  23. Silverlight 2.x: “Silverlight Tips, Tricks, and Best Practices”
  24. C#: Auto-Implemented Properties (C# Programming Guide); MSDN
  25. WPF: ObservableCollection(T) Class (System.Collections.ObjectModel); MSDN
  26. LINQ to XML: “XML to IEnumerable”; Andrew Hare; Using a Generic Method with an Interface Constraint
  27. WPF: “How can I debug WPF bindings?”; Bea Stollnitz
  28. C# in .NET 3.5: “Explanation of Func”;; Jon Skeet
  29. WPF: “FrameworkElement.OverridesDefaultStyle Property (System.Windows)”
  30. LINQ to XML: “…use XPathEvaluate() instead of XPathSelectElement[s]()”
  31. Team Foundation Server 2008: Some Important Work Item Queries in Pseudo Code
  32. WPF: “Where is the main method in my WPF application?”; App.g.cs
  33. C# Code: DatumStateEnum
  34. readonly keyword (C#)
  35. WPF: WPF DispatcherUnhandledException Pattern
  36. C# Code: “Object.GetHashCode Method (System)”; MSDN
  37. WPF and Visual Studio Design Time: “app.config isn't used in WPF designer”; Microsoft Connect
  38. C# Code: An Example of Subtracting DateTime; Making the Future a Negative Number
  39. .NET 2.x: Something Obvious about Nullables
  40. LINQ to Objects Code: A Running Total
  41. WPF and WCF: The Decorator Pattern and Dispatcher.CurrentDispatcher
  42. WPF Error: “The name 'InitializeComponent' does not exist in the current context”
  43. “Are Partial Methods Some Form Of AOP (Aspect Oriented Programming)?”; Scott Wisniewski
  44. “When to use RenderAction vs RenderPartial with ASP.NET MVC”
  45. “How can I add a class attribute via Html.BeginForm?”;; Marwan Aouida
  46. “Datalist paging with linq”;; Tomas Lycken
  47. ASP.NET: “Data Paging in ASP.NET”; DataPager Control
  48. “Implementing Finalize and Dispose to Clean Up Unmanaged Resources”; MSDN
  49. C# 3.0 Extension Methods: “Thinking Beyond ToString()”; Anoop Madhusudanan
  50. “Sorting Lists using IComparable and IComparer Interface in .NET”
  51. “Filters in ASP.NET MVC CodePlex Preview 4”; Phil Haack 08/2008
  52. “Prerequisite knowledge for ASP.NET MVC”;
  53. ASP.NET MVC: “Using C# 3.0 Anonymous Types as Dictionaries”; History of Html.ActionLink(); Eilon Lipton
  54. “How does the ASP.NET Cache work?”;
  55. “ASP.NET MVC Controller Overview (C#)”;
  56. “ASP.NET NTLM Authentication—is it worth it?”; Jeff Atwood
  57. C# Code: “What is the difference between ICollection and IDictionary in .NET/C#?”
  58. C# Code: “Performance and Multiple Assigment in C#”; David Connell
  59. C# Code: “Observations on the ‘if’ statement”
  60. C# LINQ to XML: “Document-Centric Transforms using LINQ to XML”; Eric White
  61. C# LINQ to XML: “Empty Elements and Self-Closing Tags”; XElement
  62. WPF: “Converting a WPF FlowDocument to an XPS FixedDocument”; Derek Smythe
  63. WPF: “Using XamlReader.Load”; MSDN
  64. “System.Windows.Markup Namespace”; XamlReader; MSDN
  65. C# Code: ToType() Extension Method; “how to handle conversions from an anonymous type to a specific type by using .NET 3.5 extensions”; Ed Guzman;
  66. “WPF Multithreading with BackgroundWorker”; Pavan Podila
  67. “Silverlight Tip of the Day #58 – Text Wrapping and Line Breaks in TextBlocks”
  68. “Silverlight Tip of the Day #57—How to Dynamically Load a Silverlight Control within another Silverlight Control”; Mike Snow
  69. C# Code: “Constructor Chaining : C# 411”
  70. ASP.NET MVC: “Tip #30 – Create Custom Route Constraints”; NotEqual Constraint ; Stephen Walther
  71. ASP.NET MVC: “Custom Route Constraints”; James Welch
  72. ASP.NET MVC: “What is the best way to return XML from a controller’s action in ASP.NET MVC?”;
  73. Visual Studio and CodeRush XPress: “Can I change the key bindings on the free version of CodeRush Express for Visual Studio?”;
  74. C#: “Direct casting vs ‘as’ operator?”;
  75. “Design Patterns”;
  76. “Basic Unit Testing Guidelines” by Chris Eargle
  77. “Principles Of Object Oriented Design”
  78. “A summary of OO Priciples” by Nigel-Findlater
  79. SOLID: “The Liskov Substitution Principle—Agile Software Development Principles Patterns and Practices”
  80. “System.Diagnostics.DebuggerStepThrough and More System.Diagnostics Namespace Stuff”; Mark Michaelis
  81. WCF: “Since a WCF service can return any user defined class, why use a DataContract and CompositeType class?”;
  82. “Convert XElement to XmlNode (and Convert XmlNode to XElement)”; Eric White
  83. WCF: “Wcf Binding Comparision List and Supported Features (Reference)”; Dan Rigsby
  84. PowerShell: “Even More Things You Can Do With Arrays”
  85. “Interface vs Abstract Class”;
  86. WPF: Implementing a Notify Icon without Windows Forms; Philipp Sumi;
  87. “Custom XML Serialization of a .NET class”; Robert Bogue [MVP]
  88. “What does ‘yield break;’ do in C#?”;
  89. Data Structures and Algorithms with Object-Oriented Design Patterns in C#: “Enumerable Collections and Enumerators”
  90. C#: Flippant Remarks about the yield Statement
  91. “yield (C# Reference)”; MSDN
  92. Functional Programming: Complex adaptive system
  93. C#: Controlling the default value of an enum; MSDN
  94. ASP.NET: “Tip/Trick: Using Server Side Comments with ASP.NET 2.0”; Scott Guthrie
  95. ASP.NET: “Don’t run production ASP.NET Applications with debug="true" enabled”; Scott Guthrie
  96. C#: the differences between readonly and const; MSDN; l-value
  97. Patterns and Practices: “SOLID and DRY”; Jeremy Likness
  98. “The C# ?? null coalescing operator”; Scott Guthrie
  99. “Generic Delegates”; MSDN
  100. “Delegates Explained in Plain English”; Simon Pickersgill
  101. ASP.NET: “Web Site vs. Web Application”; Stephen M. Redd
  102. ASP.NET: “Visual Studio 2005 Web Application Project Option”; Scott Guthrie in 2005
  103. ASP.NET: “Comparing Web Site Projects and Web Application Projects”; MSDN
  104. ASP.NET: “Web Site or Web Application?”;
  105. Silverlight: “Silverlight Tip of the Day #60—How to load a XAML Control From a File or String”; Mike Snow
  106. Visual Studio: “Linked and Embedded Resources”; MSDN
  107. Visual Studio: “Resources Page, Project Designer”; MSDN
  108. “ASP.NET and the Event Log” by Bruce Johnson
  109. ServerDocument Class (Microsoft.VisualStudio.Tools.Applications.Runtime)
  110. Visual Studio 2008: Specifying the Default Browser for Web Projects
  111. “XPath & Namespaces” by Wayne Allen; “there is no such thing as a default namespace in XPath”
  112. “XML Serializing a Hashtable or generic Dictionary” by Pete Sheill
  113. “An Introduction to C# Generics”; Juval Lowy on Casting Generic Types and the Use of as and is Operators
  114. Windows Forms: Why the NotifyIcon.ShowBalloonTip() Timeout Is Ignored; System.Windows.Forms.NotifyIcon; Cleo HUANG - MSFT
  115. LINQ to Objects: Query FileSystemInfo Array as Generic List
  116. “TimeZone vs. TimeZoneInfo in .Net”; Dan Rigsby,
  117. “Silverlight: Anatomy of an .XAP file”; Chris Pietschmann
  118. ASP.NET MVC: “MVC and App_Code folder - ASP.NET Forums”;
  119. Visual Studio 2008 PROBLEM: “Server Explorer not showing up on Visual Studio”; devenv.exe
  120. C# Code: Converting GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) to Local Time; System.TimeZone.CurrentTimeZone; DateTime.ToLocalTime()
  121. C# Code: Sorting DateTime Values without LINQ Using a Delegate; System.Collections.Generic; DateTime.Compare
  122. C# Code: Sorting Strings without LINQ Using a Delegate; System.Collections.Generic; String.Compare
  123. C# Code: Sorting Strings without LINQ; System.Collections.Generic; String.Compare
  124. Nullable Usage Guidelines; Krzysztof Cwalina
  125. List of LINQ Providers; Robert Shelton
  126. Developing Windows Services; James Foster
  127. “Natural Sorting in C#”; Ian Griffiths
  128. Flippant Remarks about Asp.Net MVC and IIS6
  129. Visual Studio 2005/2008: Flippant Remarks about Code Snippets
  130. Visual Studio 2008 PROBLEM: The LINQ to SQL Debug Visualizer Is Not in Visual Studio 2008!; Scott Guthrie
  131. Krzysztof Cwalina: The Definition of “Framework”
  132. Visual Studio Team System and The Destroy Command is Not Available on
  133. Visual Studio 2005/2008: “* Assembly Version vs Assembly File Version”; Vikas Goyal
  134. UriBuilder Inserts Multiple Question Marks in Query Strings; C# Cookbook
  135. Team Foundation Source Control Command-Line Notes
  136. XPathDocument.XPathNavigator Throws NotSupportedException for AppendChild() and AppendchildElement() Methods
  137. C# Code: Using System.IO.FileStream and System.IO.StreamWriter to Write a String to a File
  138. LINQ to Objects: Querying a Generic Dictionary Collection
  139. LINQ to XML: The Equivalent of XPath Assertions; Basic Validation without XSD (schema)
  140. LINQ to XML: Two Ways of Generating the xml:space Attribute
  141. LINQ to XML: Generating XML with a Custom Namespace; System.Xml.Linq
  142. Introduction to the GOF Strategy Pattern in C#
  143. LINQ to XML: Using System.Linq.Enumerable to Generate XML; Code from Mike Taulty, Microsoft UK
  144. SQL Server 2005: “Create Interoperable Native Web Services” Notes;
  145. .NET 2.0/3.0/3.5: Flippant Remarks about Windows Service Projects in Visual Studio 2005/2008
  146. .NET 3.0/3.5: Flippant Remarks about the yield Keyword
  147. C# Code: Gathering Credentials from the Console; NetworkCredential; ConsoleKeyInfo
  148. Flippant Remarks about Encrypting app.config in Client Applications
  149. ASP.NET 2.0: Flippant Remarks about Server.UrlEncode and Server.UrlPathEncode
  150. How To: Use Impersonation and Delegation in ASP.NET 2.0: Notes;
  151. Catching Exceptions from System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker; DispatcherUnhandledException Fails to Fire for Background Threads
  152. Flippant Remarks about Canceling BackgroundWorker Operations
  153. Flippant Remarks about Delegates in C# 2.0
  154. DateTime.ToString() Patterns in PowerShell
  155. Flippant Remarks about Encrypting Elements in web.config; ASP.NET 2.0
  156. Flippant Remarks about System.Uri and System.UriBuilder
  157. Flippant Remarks about the ConnectionStringSettings Class
  158. C# 2.0 Code: Using a Generic List to Build an Array from a Generic Dictionary
  159. C# 2.0 Code: Converting from IDataParameter to DbParameter[] with Array.ConvertAll<>() and an Anonymous Delegate
  160. Framework (SDK) Tools: The Difference between signtool.exe and sn.exe
  161. ASP.NET: “The Global.asax file does not raise events in an ASP.NET 2.0 application”; KB Article 937095
  162. Flippant Remarks about Identifying a Nullable Type
  163. Visual Studio 2005: Flippant Remarks about Application Settings
  164. Visual Studio 2005 VB.NET Windows Forms Problem: Unable to Select Program or Sub Main to Start Windows Application; Enable application framework
  165. .NET Framework 3.0: Highlights of November 2006 CTP Release Notes
  166. ASP.NET ERROR in Visual Studio: "Unable to start debugging on the web server. Debugging failed because integrated Windows authentication is not enabled. Please see Help for assistance."
  167. ASP.NET: Loading Cached User Controls; ASCX Files
  168. ADO.NET: CommandType.TableDirect Is Not Supported by SqlCommand.CommandType
  169. C# 2.0 Design Notes: default Keyword in Generic Code
  170. C# Code: Loading A Bunch of Files
  171. C# Code in Cold Storage: ConnectionStringIsValid()
  172. C# Code: GetNamespaceManager() Member for Static XPathDocument Helper Class; Songhay.Xml.XmlUtility
  173. C# Code in Cold Storage: A Schema-Based Data Input Wrapper for XML Input
  174. ASP.NET 2.0 PROBLEM: "The current identity (NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE) does not have write access to 'C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50215\Temporary ASP.NET Files'"
  175. C# Code: ADSI Class for .NET 1.1 Active Directory Searching
  176. ASP.NET Code: Saving Form Data in a Click Event
  177. MCAD/MCSD Notes: Chapter 9, Lesson 1; Building a Web Application
  178. C# Code: Instantiating an XPathDocument() Object from a String
  179. System.Xml.Xsl.XslTransform PROBLEM: Document Type Declarations Are Ignored; xsl:output Element; DOCTYPE; .NET Framework 1.1
  180. MCAD/MCSD Notes: Chapter 8, Lesson 5; Providing Secure Communication
  181. MCAD/MCSD Notes: Chapter 8, Lesson 4; Using Passport Authentication
  182. MCAD/MCSD Notes: Chapter 8, Lesson 3; Using Forms Authentication
  183. MCAD/MCSD Notes: Chapter 1, Lesson 3; Using Visual Studio .NET
  184. MCAD/MCSD Notes: Chapter 1, Lesson 2; Using ASP.NET
  185. MCAD/MCSD Notes: Chapter 8, Lesson 2; Using Windows Authentication
  186. MCAD/MCSD Notes: Chapter 8, Lesson 1; Authenticating and Authorizing Users
  187. ASP.NET: Flippant Remarks about SQL Server Session State
  188. MCAD/MCSD Notes: Chapter 7, Lesson 5; Consuming XML Web Services
  189. MCAD/MCSD Notes: Chapter 7, Lesson 4; Using Client-Side Scripts
  190. MCAD/MCSD Notes: Chapter 7, Lesson 3; Interoperating with COM
  191. ASMX Web Services PROBLEM: Server Error; "Cannot declare a namespace and a type" Error; Strange Compilation Error
  192. MCAD/MCSD Notes: Chapter 7, Lesson 2; Using Unmanaged Code
  193. MCAD/MCSD Notes: Chapter 7, Lesson 1; Saving and Retrieving User Information
  194. MCAD/MCSD Notes: Chapter 6, Lesson 3; Logging Exceptions
  195. MCAD/MCSD Notes: Chapter 6, Lesson 2; Using Error Pages
  196. MCAD/MCSD Notes: Chapter 6, Lesson 1; Using Exception Handling
  197. C# and ASP.NET Code Snippet: RequestFormElement()
  198. MCAD/MCSD Notes: Chapter 5, Lesson 3; Processing Transactions
  199. MCAD/MCSD Notes: Chapter 5, Lesson 2; Using Data Sets on Web Forms
  200. Visual Studio Tools for Office: Flippant Remarks about Office System Word VSTO 1.x Projects
  201. MCAD/MCSD Notes: Chapter 5, Lesson 1; Accessing Data with ADO.NET
  202. MCAD/MCSD Notes: Chapter 4, Lesson 3; Navigating Between Forms
  203. MCAD/MCSD Notes: Chapter 4, Lesson 2; Using Validation
  204. MCAD/MCSD Notes: Chapter 4, Lesson 1; Using Controls
  205. The Microsoft.mshtml Namespace; Accessing the DHTML DOM from C#
  206. ASP.NET: Flippant Remarks about View State vs. Session State
  207. Flippant Remarks about Delegates in C#
  208. Flippant Remarks about Building Events in C#
  209. MCAD/MCSD Notes: Chapter 3, Lesson 3; Maintaining State Information
  210. MCAD/MCSD Notes: Chapter 3, Lesson 1; Namespace Fundamentals
  211. Web Service Exception: "The type System.Collections.Hashtable is not supported because it implements IDictionary."; System.NotSupportedException
  212. Development Environment: Finding User Interface (UI) Settings and ToolBox Settings
  213. MCAD/MCSD Notes: Chapter 3, Lesson 2; Namespaces in a Web Application
  214. MCAD/MCSD Notes: Chapter 2, Lesson 3; Where Does Processing Occur?
  215. MCAD/MCSD Notes: Chapter 2, Lesson 2; Responding to Events
  216. MCAD/MCSD Notes: Chapter 2, Lesson 1; Creating an ASP.NET Web Application Project
  217. MCAD/MCSD Notes: Chapter 1, Lesson 1; Developing Web Applications
  218. Songhay Design Patterns: The Importance of Threads; Threading a DTS Package; Interop; COM Events Sink; Windows Forms
  219. Visual Studio 2003 PROBLEM: New Windows Script Host Item Produces Active Schema Errors; The active schema does not support the element 'package' or 'job'
  220. Visual Studio.NET and ASP.NET: "Cleaning" the Visual Studio Web Cache; VSWebCache
  221. Windows Forms: A DataGrid Bound "Directly" to a DataTable Is Actually Using the DefaultView; Disappearing New Rows
  222. C# Code in Cold Storage: A "Strongly-Typed" DataTable;
  223. Flippant Remarks about David Berlind's "Microsoft's patchwork mess"; ZDNet; Download.Ject; ADODB.Stream
  224. .NET Framework: Flippant Remarks about XPathNavigator and XPathDocument; Don Box Loves All Instances of XPathNavigator
  225. C# Code: Windows Forms Data Services; Songhay.WinForms.Web.DataServices; Internal Row Procedures; C-sharp
  226. C# Code: Windows Forms Data Services; Songhay.WinForms.Web.DataServices; Internal DataSet Procedures; C-sharp
  227. Windows Forms Databinding: Andrew Brust on the Importance of the EndCurrentEdit() Method; DotNetRocks!; RowJiggle() Hack; VB.NET; C#
  228. C# Code Snippet: Simple Threading
  229. C# Code Snippet: Use of the DataTable NewRow() Method and the DefaultView Property
  230. VB.NET and Windows Forms: Flippant Remarks about Using Word Interop to Implement Spell-Checking
  231. ASP.NET: Flippant Remarks about Postbacks; Songhay Design Patterns
  232. C#: Flippant Introductory Remarks; CSharp
  233. C# and ASP.NET Code Snippet: Manually Wiring Up Events in Visual Studio.NET 2003
  234. ADO.NET: Using Default Parameters in SQL Server Stored Procedures
  235. ASP.NET: Flippant Remarks about Server Controls; C# Code
  236. C# and ASP.NET: Writing HTML Targeted from Code-Behind Designs; Using Regular Expressions to Write HTML
  237. C# and ASP.NET: Capturing All HTML Output from a Web Forms Page; ASPX; Respecting HTML/XHTML Standards with ASP.NET
  238. ASP.NET: Security Issues Surrounding Writing to the Event Log
  239. ADO.NET: Flippant Introductory Remarks
  240. ASP.NET: Flippant Introductory Remarks
  241. .NET Framework: Runtime Security Policy for Local Intranet Zone; Internet Explorer Internet Properties
  242. Visual Studio.NET: Searching and Replacing with Regular Expressions
  243. Visual Studio.NET: MSDN Library Viewer Filters; Help Filters; Custom Filters
  244. Registry: Removing Items from the Most Recently Used List