allowHtmlPopupWindow [Boolean]
Specifies whether the HtmlPage.PopupWindow method is allowed. Defaults to true for applications in the same domain, otherwise false.
autoUpgrade [Boolean]
Specifies whether the plug-in should attempt to upgrade if minRuntimeVersion is newer than the current Silverlight version. Default is true.
background [Color with or without alpha (RGB, ScRGB)]
Plug-in background color. Default is null (white).
enableAutoZoom [Boolean]
Indicates whether the host (for certain platforms) can invoke zoom behavior that increases the DPI. Default is true.
enableCacheVisualization [Boolean]
Indicates whether to use a non-production analysis visualization mode, which shows areas of a page that are being GPU accelerated with a colored overlay. Default is false. Do not use in production code.
enableFramerateCounter [Boolean]
Indicates whether to display the current frame rate in the hosting browser's status bar (IE/Win only).
enableGPUAcceleration [Boolean]
Indicates whether to use graphics processor unit (GPU) hardware acceleration for cached compositions, which potentially results in graphics optimization. (false by default)
enablehtmlaccess [Boolean]
Specifies whether the plug-in has full access to the browser DOM. Defaults to true for applications in the same domain, otherwise false.
enableNavigation ['all' | 'none']
Indicates whether the hosted content in the Silverlight plug-in can use a HyperlinkButton to navigate to external URIs. Default is all.
all: the hosted content can use HyperlinkButton to navigate to any URI.
none: the hosted content cannot use HyperlinkButton for navigation to an external URI. Relative URIs for internal navigation are still permitted.
enableRedrawRegions [Boolean]
Determines whether to visually indicate the areas of the plug-in that are being redrawn with each frame. This property is for performance tuning and visualization during development only; do not specify it for any deployed Silverlight-based application. Default is false.
User-defined string of parameters. Comma separated key=value pairs
maxframerate [Integer]
Specifies the maximum number of frames per second that the plug-in can render. The default is 60.
Specifies the earliest version of the Silverlight plug-in required. Version number
onError [JavaScript function name]
Error handler for parse and native code run-time errors.
onFullScreenChanged [JavaScript function name]
Function to call when the FullScreen property changes.
onLoad [JavaScript function name]
Function to call when the plug-in has finished loading in the DOM.
onResize [JavaScript function name]
Function to call when the plug-in size changes.
onSourceDownloadComplete [JavaScript function name]
Function to call when the source download has completed.
onSourceDownloadProgressChanged [JavaScript function name]
Function to call when the source download progress changes.
onZoom [JavaScript function name]
Specifies the handler for a Zoomed event that occurs when the Silverlight plug-in content area receives a host-generated zoom event.
source [URI]
Specifies the address or relative path of either an initial XAML file or XAP.
splashScreenSource [URI]
Specifies a XAML page to use as the splash screen.
windowless [Boolean]
Specifies the rendering mode for the plug-in for Windows versions of Silverlight. The default is false.