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LINQ to XML: “XML to IEnumerable<T>”; Andrew Hare; Using a Generic Method with an Interface Constraint

Given the following types:

public interface IFruit { String name { get; set; } Int32 id { get; set; } }

public class Fruit : IFruit { public String name { get; set; } public Int32 id { get; set; } }

I think that you could do something like this:

static IEnumerable&lt;T&gt; GetSomeFruit&lt;T&gt;(String xml)
    where T : IFruit, new()
    return XElement.Parse(xml)
            .Select(f =&gt; new T {
                    name = f.Element(&quot;name&quot;).Value,
                    id = Int32.Parse(f.Element(&quot;id&quot;).Value)

Which you would call like this:

IEnumerable<Fruit> fruit = GetSomeFruit<Fruit>(yourXml);


mod date: 2010-03-19T04:21:12.000Z