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MCAD/MCSD Notes: Chapter 8, Lesson 4; Using Passport Authentication

Lesson 4: Using Passport Authentication

This lesson recognizes that Microsoft attempted to solve the "Single Sign-On" problem for the Windows platform. SSO is an industry-wide acronym maintained by (among others) at

As of this writing there is doubt that this technology is an active concern at Microsoft. The Passport SDK is currently not available for download from here:

To declare Passport authentication in Web.config, this is a pattern:

<authentication mode="Passport" />
    <deny users="?" />
    <!-- Deny unauthenticated users -->

The code used to implement authentication is almost identical to the code used for NTLM authentication discussed in "Lesson 2: Using Windows Authentication," featuring use of System.Web.UI.Page.User.Identity.

mod date: 2005-09-16T22:10:20.000Z