I've been playing with linq to entities also. It's got a long way to go before it catches up with linq to SQL. I've had to use linq to entities for the Table per Type Inheritance stuff. I found a good article recently which explains the whole 1 company 2 different ORM technologies thing here.
However you can do lazy loading, in a way, by doing this:
// Lazy Load Orders var alice2 = data.Customers.First(c => c.Name == "Alice");
// Should Load the Orders if (!alice2.Orders.IsLoaded) alice2.Orders.Load();
or you could just include the Orders in the original query:
// Include Orders in original query var alice = data.Customers.Include("Orders").First(c => c.Name == "Alice");
// Should already be loaded if (!alice.Orders.IsLoaded) alice.Orders.Load();