RestPagingMetadata Class
REST Paging Metadata
Base Types
  • object
graph BT Type-->Base0["object"] Type["RestPagingMetadata"] class Type type-node


public class RestPagingMetadata


Name Property Type Summary
EndPosition int
Gets or sets the end position.
FromDate DateTime?
Gets or sets from date.
NextUri string
Gets or sets the next URI.
PreviousUri string
Gets or sets the previous URI.
ResultSetSize int
Gets or sets the size of the result set.
StartPosition int
Gets or sets the start position.
ToDate DateTime?
Gets or sets to date.
TotalSetSize int
Gets or sets the total size of the set.


Name Return Value Summary
ToShallowCopy() RestPagingMetadata
Returns the shallow copy from MemberwiseClone().
ToString() string
Returns a String that represents this instance.

Extension Methods

Name Value Summary
IsAssignableToISerializable<RestPagingMetadata>() bool
Determines whether the specified type can be assigned to System.Runtime.Serialization.ISerializable.
ToObjectOrDbNull<RestPagingMetadata>() object
Boxes the nullable in object or returns DBNull.
ToReferenceTypeValueOrThrow<RestPagingMetadata>(string) T
Returns the non-null value of the specified, nullable reference type or throws an ArgumentNullException when the value is null.