RestApiMetadata Class
REST API Metadata
Base Types
  • object
graph BT Type-->Base0["object"] Type["RestApiMetadata"] class Type type-node


public class RestApiMetadata


Name Field Type Constant Value Summary
ClaimsSetHeaderApiAuthorization string headerAuthorization
A convential name representing an API key to sent in the HTTP headers for authentication.
ClaimsSetHeaderApiContentType string headerContentType
A convential name representing an API key to sent in the HTTP headers for authentication.
ClaimsSetHeaderApiKey string headerKey
A convential name representing an API key to sent in the HTTP headers for authentication.


Name Property Type Summary
ApiBase Uri?
Gets or sets the API base.
ApiKey string
Gets or sets the API key.
ClaimsSet Dictionary<string, string>
Gets or sets the claims set.
UriTemplates Dictionary<string, string>
Gets or sets the URI templates.


Name Return Value Summary
ToString() string
Converts this instance into a string representation.

Extension Methods

Name Value Summary
IsAssignableToISerializable<RestApiMetadata>() bool
Determines whether the specified type can be assigned to System.Runtime.Serialization.ISerializable.
ToAzureActiveDirectoryAccessTokenData() Dictionary<string, string>
Converts the specified RestApiMetadata to the data required by Songhay.AzureKeyVaultRestApiUtility.GetAccessTokenAsync(System.Nullable{Uri},System.Nullable{Dictionary{System.String,System.String}}).
ToAzureActiveDirectoryAccessTokenUri() Uri
Converts the specified RestApiMetadata to the Uri required by Songhay.AzureKeyVaultRestApiUtility.GetAccessTokenAsync(System.Nullable{Uri},System.Nullable{Dictionary{System.String,System.String}}).
ToAzureKeyVaultSecretUri(string) Uri
Converts the specified RestApiMetadata to the Uri required by Songhay.AzureKeyVaultRestApiUtility.GetSecretAsync(System.String,Uri).
ToObjectOrDbNull<RestApiMetadata>() object
Boxes the nullable in object or returns DBNull.
ToReferenceTypeValueOrThrow<RestApiMetadata>(string) T
Returns the non-null value of the specified, nullable reference type or throws an ArgumentNullException when the value is null.
ToUri(string, string[]) Uri?
Converts the specified RestApiMetadata to a Uri based on the specified URI Template.