DisplayItemModel Class
Model for display item.
Base Types
  • object
Derived Types
graph BT Type-->Base0["object"] Type-.->Interface0["ISortable"] click Interface0 "/SonghayCore/latest/Songhay.Abstractions/ISortable" Type-.->Interface1["ITemporal"] click Interface1 "/SonghayCore/latest/Songhay.Abstractions/ITemporal" Type["DisplayItemModel"] class Type type-node Derived0["ColorDisplayItemModel"]-->Type click Derived0 "/SonghayCore/latest/Songhay.Models/ColorDisplayItemModel"


public class DisplayItemModel : ISortable, ITemporal


This class was originally developed to compensate for RIA Services not supporting composition of Entity Framework entities where an Entity is the property of another object.


Name Property Type Summary
Description string
Gets or sets the description.
DisplayText string
Gets or sets the display text.
EndDate DateTime?
End/expiration DateTime of the item.
Id int
Gets or sets the identifier.
InceptDate DateTime?
Origin DateTime of the item.
ItemName string
Gets or sets the item name.
ModificationDate DateTime?
Modification/editorial DateTime of the item.
ResourceIndicator Uri?
Gets or sets the resource indicator.
SortOrdinal byte
Gets or sets the sort ordinal.
Tag object
Gets or sets the tag.


Name Return Value Summary
ToString() string
Represents this instance as a string.

Extension Methods

Name Value Summary
HasTag(Func<object, bool>?) bool
Returns true when the item has the Tag based on the specified evaluator.
IsAssignableToISerializable<DisplayItemModel>() bool
Determines whether the specified type can be assigned to System.Runtime.Serialization.ISerializable.
SetDefaults(DateTime?) void
Sets conventional default values for ITemporal data.
SetDefaults() void
Sets conventional default values for ITemporal data.
ToMenuDisplayItemModel() MenuDisplayItemModel
Converts the DisplayItemModel into a menu display item model.
ToObjectOrDbNull<DisplayItemModel>() object
Boxes the nullable in object or returns DBNull.
ToReferenceTypeValueOrThrow<DisplayItemModel>(string) T
Returns the non-null value of the specified, nullable reference type or throws an ArgumentNullException when the value is null.
WithTag(object) DisplayItemModel
Fluently sets Tag.