Songhay.Models Namespace

Class Types

Class Summary
ActivitiesGetter Defines the in-memory storage and Program access to IActivity types.
ActivityOutput<TOutput> Defines the conventional output of IActivityWithTask<TInput, TOutput>.
ColorDisplayItemModel Model for color display
CorsOrigins Defines selected CORS origins.
DataParameterMetadata A definition for types implementing IDataParameter.
DbmsMetadata Defines DBMS metadata
DeploymentEnvironment Defines the deployment environment.
DisplayItemModel Model for display item.
EncryptionMetadata Defines encryption metadata for persistent storage.
HttpMethods Centralizes HttpMethod members as strings.
LazyDisplayItem<T> Wraps a lazy-initialized object with meta-data for display.
MenuDisplayItemModel Defines a colorable, selectable menu item
MimeTypes Selected MIME types for this Studio
OpenAuthorizationData Defines Authorization Information for OAuth 1.0.
OpmlBody Defines a managed representation of the OPML body element.
OpmlDocument Dave Winer, his Outline Processor Markup Language document format
OpmlHead Defines a managed representation of the OPML head element.
OpmlOutline Defines a managed representation of the OPML outline element.
PackedResource Defines the meta-data of an Application resource.
PackedResource<TResource> Defines the meta-data of an Application resource.
PagedResult Defines a paged set of data.
PagedResultMeta Defines the metadata for a paged set of data.
ProgramArgs Defines conventional command-line arguments.
ProgramAssemblyInfo Defines Assembly information.
ProgramMetadata Defines the conventional Program metadata.
RestApiMetadata REST API Metadata
RestPagingMetadata REST Paging Metadata
SystemErrorCodes Defines the error codes of Windows
SystemVariable Defines the Data for displaying meta-data about variables.
SystemVariable<T> Defines the Data for displaying meta-data about variables.
XEncoding Defines selected text file encodings.
XhtmlDocument Defines the conventional XHTML Document.
XhtmlDocuments Collects XhtmlDocument.
XhtmlImage Defines an image used by XHTML(5) clients
XObjectMetadata The conventional XObject metadata.

Structure Types

Structure Summary
ProgramGlyph Defines a Unicode glyphic character