The form is:
vADOstr = "Driver={Sybase System 11};"
vADOstr = vADOstr & "SRVR=<your server name here>;"
vADOstr = vADOstr & "DB=<your database name here>;"
vADOstr = vADOstr & "UID=<your user ID here>;"
vADOstr = vADOstr & "SRVR=<your password here>;"
In my designs I pass user ID and password through Session-level scalar variables. It would follow that the form would change to:
vADOstr = "Driver={Sybase System 11};"
vADOstr = vADOstr & "SRVR=<your server name here>;"
vADOstr = vADOstr & "DB=<your database name here>;"
vADOstr = vADOstr & "UID=" & Session("dbUserID")
vADOstr = vADOstr & ";"
vADOstr = vADOstr & "SRVR= & Session("dbPassword")
vADOstr = vADOstr & ";"
where the values Session("dbUserID") and Session("dbPassword") are set before the value of vADOstr is set.