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personal notes from way, _way_ back and maybe today

Book: "UNIX in a Nutshell"; Summary of Unix Commands

Common DOS commands translated back to UNIX:

cd ---exactly like cd

clear ---exactly like cls

cp ---very much like copy

ls -al; df -k | more ---kind of like dir /p

mv ---very much like move

uname -sr ---kind of like ver

Other Unix commands I really need right about now:

cat ---concatenate files

chgrp -R <group name> <folder name>/* ---changes the group of <folder name> to <group name> and all of its sub-folders/files

chmod a+r <filename> ---makes <filename> readable to all

chmod a+x <filename> ---makes <filename> executable to all

chmod -R g+w <folder name>/* ---adds group-level write privileges to <folder name> and all sub-folders/files

chown -R <user name> <folder name>/* ---changes the owner of <folder name> to <user name> and all of its sub-folders/files

du -sk <path name> ----returns the amount of disk space <path name> occupies in KBs

find . -name "*.html" -print | sort ---displays a sorted list of files with ".html" in their names in the directory (and any subdirectories) where the command is executed

kill -9 <process ID> ---"really" stops a process with id <process ID>

passwd <user name> ---changes the password of <user name>

ps -fu<user name> ---returns the processes run by <user name>

rm -r <folder name> ---remove <folder name> and all of its sub-folders/files

sort -o <destination file> <source file> ---e.g.: sort -o .newsrc .newsrc

su <user name> ---creates the shell of <user name>; to terminate this session and return to the original login enter EOF (usually Ctrl+d)

tar -xvf <archive name(s)> ---extracts one or more tape archive files (tar files) and prints the name(s) of the file(s) stored in the archive to the console

which <command name(s)> ---determines which file is associated with <command name(s)> (separated by spaces)

who ---determines who's logged in the system

Search for literals with grep and fgrep ("fast" grep).

To shutdown the system use the command

/usr/sbin/shutdown -y -g0 -i0

To start the system use boot.

Don't forget all those kick-ass compression commands like pack and compress! Also note that .tgz implies .tar.gz---which in turn implies the compression application gunzip.

Use the vacation command for vacations.

mod date: 1999-01-08T07:10:06.000Z