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PROBLEM: Tab Control Does Not Recognize Alt-Key Combinations

Using Alt-key combinations for the Tab Control may not work all the time in Access 97. What I have noticed is when the access keys are pressed, the focus does not change but the application "beeps." This problem is intermittent. It appears to work correctly for tabs with fewer controls on them (three controls or less perhaps).

One work-around for this problem is responding to the KeyDown event:

Private Sub Form_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, _
    Shift As Integer)

    Dim blnAltDwn As Boolean
    blnAltDwn = (Shift And acAltMask) > 0

    With Me
        If blnAltDwn And KeyCode = vbKeyD Then
            'Tab Caption: "Import Ownership &Data"
        ElseIf blnAltDwn And KeyCode = vbKeyG Then
            'Tab Caption: "Build/Edit Ownership &Groups"
        ElseIf blnAltDwn And KeyCode = vbKeyP Then
            'Tab Caption: "Build Ownership Re&port"
        End If
    End With
End Sub

Using this code, the beeps eventually stop while the Alt-key combinations are pressed.

MSKB Article Q156222 ("ACC95: Access Keys Do Not Work with Tabs on TabStrip Control") states "Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in Microsoft Access 7.0. This problem no longer occurs in Microsoft Access 97."

mod date: 1999-04-29T01:39:44.000Z