Early in his conquest of Egypt, while he was founding the city of Alexandria in the Western Delta, we learn that “a longing came upon him” to consult the famous oracle of Amon in the Sahara Desert, and to hear some assurance regarding the future of his hazardous campaign into the heart of the Persian Empire. While a still unconquered Persian army was awaiting him in Asia, therefore, he had taken the time to venture with a small following on a three weeks’ march far out into the Sahara Desert shrine of Amon. Here in the vast solitude Alexander entered the holy place alone. No one knew what took place there, but he was greeted by the high priest of the temple as the son of Zeus-Amon.
To have been greeted by the Egyptian high priest as the son of Zeus-Amon himself must have produced a profound effect on a mind like that of Alexander, for he had an imagination that knew no bounds.
Four years later the young king found that this divinity which he began to claim lacked outward and visible manifestations. As an outward observance vividly suggesting his character as a god he adopted the oriental requirement that all who approached him on official occasions should bow down to the earth and kiss his feet.
Thus were introduced into Europe absolute monarchy and the divine right of kings.