Schema Generation Servers
- Build server:
- Development server:
- NAS filer: \\\\nasfs1 (or \\\\nasfs2)
Testing and Deployment Server
- Testing server:
- Database server:
- Production server:
Use IcapSchemaRequestVerification.xls to verify spreadsheet input. As of this writing this file is located here:
Verify the uniqueness of the IDs in the Form ID column of the spreadsheet input. Note that any characters in the IDs should be in upper case.
Determine the new release number. This defaults to incrementing one from the last release number. The last release number can be seen in the xpcpodsmgmt*/home/podsdev/schema/*-list.txt files.
Determine the new test number. This defaults to incrementing one from the last test number. The last test number can be seen by running ant in the xpcpodsmgmt*/home/podsdev/test/suite folder.
Enter the unique IDs from the spreadsheet into a file called xpcpodsmgmt*/home/podsdev/schema/[release#]-list.txt where [release#] is the new release number (step 3). Note that any characters in the IDs should be in upper case. Omit empty lines and spaces.
Run ./ [release#]-list.txt [release#] [test#] Ignore any "rm: cannot remove... No such file or directory" errors.
Make a new release candidates folder on the NAS filer with the form [release#] in \\\\nasfs1\\DevGroup\\PODS\\releaseCandidates\\. Make folders \\\\nasfs1\\DevGroup\\PODS\\releaseCandidates\\[release#]\\unzipped-schemas and \\\\nasfs1\\DevGroup\\PODS\\releaseCandidates\\[release#]\\sql-mapping.
Copy xpcpodsmgmt*/home/podsdev/schema/[release#]/sql/. to \\\\nasfs1\\DevGroup\\PODS\\releaseCandidates\\[release#]\\sql-mapping.
Copy xpcpodsmgmt*/home/podsdev/schema/[release#]/output/*.xsd to \\\\nasfs1\\DevGroup\\PODS\\releaseCandidates\\[release#]\\unzipped-schemas.
Copy xpcpodsmgmt*/home/podsdev/schema/[release#]/output/*.xsd to \\\\nasfs1\\DevGroup\\PODS\\RELEASES\\PODS3.0\\SCHEMAS\\DEV\\xsds.
Map a Windows drive from \\\\nasfs1\\DevGroup\\PODS\\RELEASES\\PODS3.0\\SCHEMAS\\DEV\\xsds and run dir > releasedoc.txt.
Copy releasedoc.txt into \\\\nasfs1\\DevGroup\\PODS\\releaseCandidates\\[release#]\\ReleaseSummary_PODS_v[release#]_[date].txt. And example file would be ReleaseSummary_PODS_v3_6_11_Jun_05_2007.txt
Copy xpcpodsmgmt*/home/podsdev/test/suite/build.xml into xpcpodsmgmt*/home/podsdev/test/suite/build.xml.bak.
Add a new message under TARGET:HELP in build.xml of the form <echo message="[test#] - [release#]-schema"/> .
Add a new regression test <target /> block under the last test block in build.xml. (Look for blocks <!--TARGET: PODS REGRESSION TEST 000 -->.)
Add a new <if /> block under the last test <if /> block in build.xml.
Copy xpcpodsmgmt*/home/podsdev/schema/[release#]/output/.xsd to xdcpods02/PODS/all_online/dtd/3.1/ and send and email to the development database person:
subject: PODS 3.x Release Candidate [release#] body: Please deploy new schema changes to PODS 3.0 Test DB. You can find the script in following location: \\\\nasfs1\\DevGroup\\PODS\\releaseCandidates\\[release#]\\sql-mapping
From the xpcpodsmgmt*/home/podsdev/test/suite/ folder run this command: ant pods-regression-batch -Dbatch=001,002,003,[test#],, Make sure to run this command from a terminal that can stay open for a large time!