Create a new Dynamic Web Project.
Name the project MigrationNetAppSToEMC, leave the project defaults and select finish.
Right-click on the newly created project and choose Team > Share Project… Under Select a repository type: choose CVS. Click Next. Choose the predefined CVS repository (:extssh:bwilhite@vcvs01:/home/cvs).
Under Enter Module Name, select Use specified module name: and enter PODS/PODS4/WORKSPACE/WEBSPHERE/MigrationNetAPPSToEMC.
Under Select Tag, the list for Select tag to synchronize with: select HEAD.
Right-click on the newly created project and choose Team > Update… to get code from CVS.
DB2 Connection Info:
- Hostname: cerebrus.medctr.ucla.edu
- Port: 50001
- User: db2inst2
Databases: PODS and MIGRDB
- db2 list node directory
- db2 catalog tcpip node cerebrus remote cerebrus.medctr.ucla.edu server 50001
- db2 catalog db pods as pods at node cerebrus
- db2 connect to pods user db2inst2
- db2 list tables
- db2 list tables for schema DB2INST1