The "advanced" installation option allows the php 'root' folder to be selected among other bits.
upload_tmp_dir and session.save_path values may need to be enclosed in quotes to prevent parsing errors for unexpected characters.
the \\ext folder under the php root needs to be installed by hand after the automated install from the compressed archive php-pecl-5.0.4-Win32. For MySQL use, libmysql.dll and ntwdblib.dll libraries need to be in the php root folder.
PECL stands for "PHP Extension Community Library" and is maintained at but can be downloaded with the installer at
The extensions currently used by Songhay System are: php_mysql.dll, php_mysqli.dll, php_soap.dll, php_sockets.dll, php_tidy.dll and php_xsl.dll. (These modules are loaded by extension_dir = "./ext" in php.ini.)