Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Private x1a0(9) As Long Private cle(17) As Long Private x1a2 As Long
Private inter As Long Private res As Long
Private ax As Long Private bx As Long Private cx As Long Private dx As Long Private si As Long
Private tmp As Long Private i As Long Private c As Byte
Private lngCounter1 As Long
Private pKey As String Private pClearText As String Private pEncText As String
Public Property Get ClearText() As String ClearText = pClearText End Property
Public Property Let ClearText(ByVal str As String) pClearText = str End Property
Public Property Get EncryptedText() As String EncryptedText = pEncText End Property
Public Property Let EncryptedText(ByVal str As String) pEncText = str End Property
Public Property Get Key() As String Key = pKey End Property
Public Property Let Key(ByVal str As String) pKey = VBA.Mid$(str, 1, 16) End Property
Private Sub Class_Initialize() pKey = vbNullString pClearText = vbNullString pEncText = vbNullString End Sub
Private Sub Assemble()
x1a0(0) = ((cle(1) * 256) + cle(2)) Mod 65536
inter = res
x1a0(1) = x1a0(0) Xor ((cle(3) * 256) + cle(4))
inter = inter Xor res
x1a0(2) = x1a0(1) Xor ((cle(5) * 256) + cle(6))
inter = inter Xor res
x1a0(3) = x1a0(2) Xor ((cle(7) * 256) + cle(8))
inter = inter Xor res
x1a0(4) = x1a0(3) Xor ((cle(9) * 256) + cle(10))
inter = inter Xor res
x1a0(5) = x1a0(4) Xor ((cle(11) * 256) + cle(12))
inter = inter Xor res
x1a0(6) = x1a0(5) Xor ((cle(13) * 256) + cle(14))
inter = inter Xor res
x1a0(7) = x1a0(6) Xor ((cle(15) * 256) + cle(16))
inter = inter Xor res
i = 0
End Sub
Private Sub code()
dx = (x1a2 + i) Mod 65536
ax = x1a0(i)
cx = &H15A
bx = &H4E35
tmp = ax
ax = si
si = tmp
tmp = ax
ax = dx
dx = tmp
If (ax <> 0) Then
ax = (ax * bx) Mod 65536
End If
tmp = ax
ax = cx
cx = tmp
If (ax <> 0) Then
ax = (ax * si) Mod 65536
cx = (ax + cx) Mod 65536
End If
tmp = ax
ax = si
si = tmp
ax = (ax * bx) Mod 65536
dx = (cx + dx) Mod 65536
ax = ax + 1
x1a2 = dx
x1a0(i) = ax
res = ax Xor dx
i = i + 1
End Sub
Public Sub Encrypt() Dim champ1 As String, lngchamp1 As Long Dim cfc, cfd, compte, c, d, e
pEncText = vbNullString
si = 0
x1a2 = 0
i = 0
For lngCounter1 = 1 To 16
cle(lngCounter1) = 0
Next lngCounter1
champ1 = pKey
lngchamp1 = Len(champ1)
For lngCounter1 = 1 To lngchamp1
cle(lngCounter1) = Asc(Mid(champ1, lngCounter1, 1))
Next lngCounter1
champ1 = pClearText
lngchamp1 = Len(champ1)
For lngCounter1 = 1 To lngchamp1
c = Asc(Mid(champ1, lngCounter1, 1))
cfc = (((inter / 256) * 256) - (inter Mod 256)) / 256
cfd = inter Mod 256
For compte = 1 To 16
cle(compte) = cle(compte) Xor c
Next compte
c = c Xor (cfc Xor cfd)
d = (((c / 16) * 16) - (c Mod 16)) / 16
e = c Mod 16
pEncText = pEncText + Chr$(&H61 + d)
' d+&h61 give one letter range from a to p for the 4 high bits of c
pEncText = pEncText + Chr$(&H61 + e)
' e+&h61 give one letter range from a to p for the 4 low bits of c
Next lngCounter1
End Sub
Public Sub Decrypt() Dim champ1 As String, lngchamp1 As Long Dim cfc, cfd, compte, c, d, e
pClearText = vbNullString
si = 0
x1a2 = 0
i = 0
For lngCounter1 = 1 To 16
cle(lngCounter1) = 0
Next lngCounter1
champ1 = pKey
lngchamp1 = Len(champ1)
For lngCounter1 = 1 To lngchamp1
cle(lngCounter1) = Asc(Mid(champ1, lngCounter1, 1))
Next lngCounter1
champ1 = pEncText
lngchamp1 = Len(champ1)
For lngCounter1 = 1 To lngchamp1
d = Asc(Mid(champ1, lngCounter1, 1))
If (d - &H61) >= 0 Then
d = d - &H61 ' to transform the letter to the 4 high bits of c
If (d >= 0) And (d <= 15) Then
d = d * 16
End If
End If
If (lngCounter1 <> lngchamp1) Then
lngCounter1 = lngCounter1 + 1
End If
e = Asc(Mid(champ1, lngCounter1, 1))
If (e - &H61) >= 0 Then
e = e - &H61 ' to transform the letter to the 4 low bits of c
If (e >= 0) And (e <= 15) Then
c = d + e
End If
End If
cfc = (((inter / 256) * 256) - (inter Mod 256)) / 256
cfd = inter Mod 256
c = c Xor (cfc Xor cfd)
For compte = 1 To 16
cle(compte) = cle(compte) Xor c
Next compte
pClearText = pClearText + Chr$(c)
Next lngCounter1
End Sub