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personal notes from way, _way_ back and maybe today

Code: String Handling Functions from 1999; StringServices.bas

Option Explicit ' ' rasx 05/25/1999 '

Public Function CountStr(ByVal Str As String, SubStr As String, _ Optional StartPos = 1) As Long

Dim lngCount

If VBA.VarType(StartPos) <> vbEmpty Then _
    If VBA.VarType(StartPos) <> vbInteger Then _
        If VBA.VarType(StartPos) <> vbLong Then VBA.Err.Raise 450

    lngCount = VBA.InStr(StartPos, Str, SubStr)
    StartPos = lngCount + VBA.Len(SubStr)
    If lngCount > 0 Then
        CountStr = CountStr + 1
        Exit Do
    End If

End Function

Public Function GetCharPos(ByVal Str As String, ByVal Chars As String, _ Optional ByVal Iterations = -1) As Long ' 'This function returns the char' position of the first character 'in Chars. If Iterations = 0 then the position of the last occurrence 'of Chars is returned. ' If VBA.VarType(Iterations) <> vbInteger Then If VBA.VarType(Iterations) <> vbLong Then VBA.Err.Raise 450 End If

Dim lngIn As Long
Dim lngOut As Long
Dim lngLoop As Long

lngIn = 1: lngOut = -1

Select Case Iterations
    Case -1
            lngOut = VBA.InStr(lngIn, Str, Chars)
            If lngOut Then
                lngIn = lngOut + 1
                Exit Do
            End If
    Case Else
        Do While lngLoop &lt; Iterations
            lngOut = VBA.InStr(lngIn, Str, Chars)
            If lngOut Then
                lngIn = lngOut + 1
                Exit Do
            End If
            lngLoop = lngLoop + 1
End Select

GetCharPos = lngIn - 1

End Function

Public Function GetDigits(ByVal Str As String, _ Optional ByVal IncludeDecimal = False) As String ' 'This function returns only numeric characters. 'and, optionally, one decimal point. ' Dim lngCount As Long Dim strChar As String Dim strRet As String Dim strCmp As String

If IncludeDecimal Then
    strCmp = &quot;1234567890.&quot;
    strCmp = &quot;1234567890&quot;
End If

For lngCount = 1 To Len(Str)
    strChar = Mid$(Str, lngCount, 1)
    If InStr(strCmp, strChar) &gt; 0 Then
        strRet = strRet & strChar
    End If

GetDigits = strRet

End Function

Public Function GetSubStr(ByVal Str As String, _ Optional ByVal StartCol = 0, _ Optional ByVal EndCol = 0, _ Optional ByVal StartChar = Empty, _ Optional ByVal EndChar = Empty) As String 'For all cases, this function returns what is between 'the characters and/or columns searched. This design 'assumes the leftmost column is column 1 so that 'character position equals column position.

Dim lngLength As Long

On Error GoTo GetSubStr_Err

'Check Optional input.
If VBA.VarType(StartCol) &lt;&gt; vbInteger Then
    If VBA.VarType(StartCol) &lt;&gt; vbLong Then VBA.Err.Raise 450
End If
If VBA.VarType(EndCol) &lt;&gt; vbInteger Then
    If VBA.VarType(EndCol) &lt;&gt; vbLong Then VBA.Err.Raise 450
End If
If VBA.VarType(StartChar) &lt;&gt; vbString Then
    If VBA.VarType(StartChar) &lt;&gt; vbEmpty Then VBA.Err.Raise 450
End If
If VBA.VarType(EndChar) &lt;&gt; vbString Then
    If VBA.VarType(EndChar) &lt;&gt; vbEmpty Then VBA.Err.Raise 450
End If

If StartChar = EndChar And VBA.Len(StartChar) And VBA.Len(EndChar) Then
    VBA.MsgBox &quot;Error: This function cannot handle strings&quot; _
        & &quot; with separators.&quot;, _
        vbCritical + vbOKOnly, &quot;GetSubStr Error&quot;
    GoTo GetSubStr_Exit
End If

If VBA.Len(StartChar) &gt; 1 Or VBA.Len(EndChar) &gt; 1 Then
    VBA.MsgBox &quot;Error: This function cannot searches with strings&quot; _
        & &quot; of length greater than one.&quot;, _
        vbCritical + vbOKOnly, &quot;GetSubStr Error&quot;
    GoTo GetSubStr_Exit
End If

'Searched on single characters only.
If VBA.Len(StartChar) And VBA.Len(EndChar) Then
    lngLength = VBA.InStr(1, Str, EndChar) _
                        - VBA.InStr(1, Str, StartChar)
    GetSubStr = VBA.Mid$(Str, VBA.InStr(1, Str, StartChar) + 1, lngLength - 1)
'Searched on column numbers only.
ElseIf StartCol &gt;= 1 And EndCol &gt;= 1 Then
    lngLength = EndCol - StartCol
    GetSubStr = VBA.Mid$(Str, StartCol, lngLength)
'Searched on known starting column and known end character.
ElseIf StartCol &gt;= 1 And VBA.Len(EndChar) Then
    lngLength = VBA.InStr(1, Str, EndChar) - StartCol
    GetSubStr = VBA.Mid$(Str, StartCol, lngLength)
'Searched on known starting character and known end column.
ElseIf VBA.Len(StartChar) And EndCol &gt;= 1 Then
    lngLength = EndCol - VBA.InStr(1, Str, StartChar)
    GetSubStr = VBA.Mid$(Str, VBA.InStr(1, Str, StartChar) + 1, lngLength - 1)
End If

GetSubStr_Exit: Exit Function

GetSubStr_Err: Select Case VBA.Err Case Else VBA.MsgBox VBA.Err.Description, vbCritical + vbOKOnly, "GetSubStr Error" Resume GetSubStr_Exit

End Select

End Function

Public Function InsNewLines(ByVal InpString As String, _ ByVal LineLen As Long) As String

Dim lngPosCrLfIn As Long
Dim lngPosCrLfOut As Long
Dim lngPosSpc As Long
Dim strSpc As String
Dim strIn As String
Dim strOut As String

strSpc = VBA.Space$(1)
strIn = InpString

        lngPosCrLfIn = GetCharPos(strIn, vbCrLf, 1)
        lngPosSpc = GetCharPos(strIn, strSpc, 1)
        If lngPosCrLfIn &lt;= LineLen And lngPosCrLfIn &gt; 0 _
           And (VBA.Len(strOut) - lngPosCrLfIn) + lngPosCrLfOut &lt; LineLen Then
           'Substring contains a linebreak and carriage return
           'and its length is smaller than LineLen.
            strOut = strOut & VBA.Mid$(strIn, 1, lngPosCrLfIn + 1)
            strIn = VBA.Mid$(strIn, lngPosCrLfIn + 2)
        ElseIf lngPosSpc &gt; 0 Then
            'Split strIn at the last position of the space character.
            strOut = strOut & VBA.Mid$(strIn, 1, lngPosSpc - 1)
            strIn = VBA.Mid$(strIn, lngPosSpc + 1)
            'Store last position of carriage return and line feed in strOut.
            lngPosCrLfOut = GetCharPos(strOut, vbCrLf)
            If VBA.Len(strOut) - lngPosCrLfOut &gt;= LineLen Then
                'Break line.
                strOut = strOut & vbCrLf
                'Don't break line.
                strOut = strOut & strSpc
            End If
        ElseIf lngPosSpc = 0 Then
            'In prose this must be the end of the string.
            strOut = strOut & strIn
            strIn = Empty
        End If
Loop Until strIn = Empty
InsNewLines = strOut

End Function

Public Function PathExists(ByVal PathName As String, _ Optional ByVal PathAttr = vbNormal) As Boolean

On Error Resume Next

If VBA.VarType(PathAttr) &lt;&gt; vbInteger Then _
    If VBA.VarType(PathAttr) &lt;&gt; vbLong Then VBA.Err.Raise 450

PathExists = Not (VBA.Dir(PathName, PathAttr) = Empty)

End Function

Public Function ReplaceChars(ByVal Str As String, ByVal OldChars As String, _ Optional ByVal NewChars = Empty, Optional Iterations = -1, _ Optional StartPos = 1, Optional ByVal UpCase = False) As String ' 'This function was conceived in the old days 'before the VBA.Replace() method. ' Dim lngCounter As Long, lngLoop As Long Dim lngNewPos As Long

If VBA.VarType(NewChars) &lt;&gt; vbEmpty Then _
    If VBA.VarType(NewChars) &lt;&gt; vbString Then VBA.Err.Raise 450

If VBA.VarType(Iterations) &lt;&gt; vbEmpty Then _
    If VBA.VarType(Iterations) &lt;&gt; vbInteger Then _
        If VBA.VarType(Iterations) &lt;&gt; vbLong Then VBA.Err.Raise 450

If VBA.VarType(StartPos) &lt;&gt; vbEmpty Then _
    If VBA.VarType(StartPos) &lt;&gt; vbInteger Then _
        If VBA.VarType(StartPos) &lt;&gt; vbLong Then VBA.Err.Raise 450

If VBA.VarType(UpCase) &lt;&gt; vbEmpty Then _
    If VBA.VarType(UpCase) &lt;&gt; vbBoolean Then VBA.Err.Raise 450

If Iterations = -1 Then
    'Count how many times OldChars appears.
    Iterations = CountStr(Str, OldChars)
End If
ReplaceChars = Str

If NewChars &lt;&gt; Empty Then
    lngLoop = VBA.InStr(StartPos, Str, OldChars, vbBinaryCompare)
    For lngCounter = 1 To Iterations
        Str = Mid$(Str, StartPos, lngLoop - 1) & NewChars & VBA.Mid$(Str, lngLoop + VBA.Len(OldChars))
        ReplaceChars = Str
        lngNewPos = lngLoop + VBA.Len(NewChars)
        lngLoop = VBA.InStr(lngNewPos, Str, OldChars, vbBinaryCompare)
    If UpCase Then
        lngLoop = VBA.InStr(StartPos, Str, OldChars, vbBinaryCompare)
        For lngCounter = 1 To Iterations
            Str = VBA.Mid$(Str, 1, lngLoop - 1) & VBA.UCase$(OldChars) _
                & VBA.Mid$(Str, lngLoop + VBA.Len(OldChars))
            ReplaceChars = Str
            lngNewPos = lngLoop + VBA.Len(NewChars)
            lngLoop = VBA.InStr(lngNewPos, Str, OldChars, vbBinaryCompare)
        lngLoop = VBA.InStr(1, Str, OldChars)
        For lngCounter = 1 To Iterations
            Str = VBA.Mid$(Str, 1, lngLoop - 1) & VBA.Mid$(Str, lngLoop + VBA.Len(OldChars))
            ReplaceChars = Str
            lngNewPos = lngLoop + VBA.Len(NewChars)
            lngLoop = VBA.InStr(lngNewPos, Str, OldChars, vbBinaryCompare)
    End If
End If

End Function

Public Function SearchLine(ByVal Str As String, _ ByVal SearchStr As String) As String

'This function returns the line containing SearchStr
'where &quot;line&quot; implies Str contains several vbCrLf char's.

Dim lngLen As Long
Dim lngStart As Long
Dim lngEnd As Long

lngLen = VBA.Len(Str)

If VBA.InStr(1, Str, SearchStr) = 0 Then Exit Function

lngStart = 1
lngEnd = VBA.InStr(lngStart, Str, vbCrLf)
    SearchLine = GetSubStr(Str, lngStart, lngEnd)
    If VBA.InStr(1, SearchLine, SearchStr) Then Exit Do
    lngStart = lngEnd + 2 'Recall that vbCrLf is two char's!
    lngEnd = VBA.InStr(lngStart, Str, vbCrLf)

End Function

Public Function TitleCase(ByVal Str As String) As String

Dim lngLoop As Long
Dim strMid As String

'Handle the remaining characters.
For lngLoop = 1 To VBA.Len(Str)
    strMid = VBA.Mid$(Str, lngLoop, 2)
    If strMid = &quot; &quot;&quot;&quot; Or strMid = &quot; '&quot; Then
        'Respond to leading quotes.
        strMid = VBA.Mid$(Str, lngLoop, 3)
        VBA.Mid(Str, lngLoop, 3) = VBA.UCase(strMid)
    ElseIf strMid Like &quot; ?&quot; Then
        VBA.Mid(Str, lngLoop, 2) = VBA.UCase(strMid)
    End If
Next lngLoop

'Handle simple grammar rules.
Str = ReplaceChars(Str, &quot; The &quot;, &quot; the &quot;)
Str = ReplaceChars(Str, &quot; A &quot;, &quot; a &quot;)

'Common Prepositions:
Str = ReplaceChars(Str, &quot; Against &quot;, &quot; against &quot;)
Str = ReplaceChars(Str, &quot; Along &quot;, &quot; along &quot;)
Str = ReplaceChars(Str, &quot; At &quot;, &quot; at &quot;)
Str = ReplaceChars(Str, &quot; Between &quot;, &quot; between &quot;)
Str = ReplaceChars(Str, &quot; By &quot;, &quot; by &quot;)
Str = ReplaceChars(Str, &quot; Down &quot;, &quot; down &quot;)
Str = ReplaceChars(Str, &quot; For &quot;, &quot; for &quot;)
Str = ReplaceChars(Str, &quot; In &quot;, &quot; in &quot;)
Str = ReplaceChars(Str, &quot; Of &quot;, &quot; of &quot;)
Str = ReplaceChars(Str, &quot; On &quot;, &quot; on &quot;)
Str = ReplaceChars(Str, &quot; Over &quot;, &quot; over &quot;)
Str = ReplaceChars(Str, &quot; To &quot;, &quot; to &quot;)
Str = ReplaceChars(Str, &quot; Up &quot;, &quot; up &quot;)
Str = ReplaceChars(Str, &quot; With &quot;, &quot; with &quot;)

'Handle the first character.
strMid = VBA.Mid$(Str, 1, 1)
VBA.Mid(Str, 1, 1) = VBA.UCase(strMid)
TitleCase = Str

End Function

mod date: 2005-01-20T20:44:44.000Z