Determine the time signature of the loop. It is customarily 4/4. The musician that created the loop should provide this information.
Determine the key of the loop. The musician that created the loop should provide this information.
Determine the tempo of the loop. The musician that created the loop should provide this information.
Listening to the loop sample, count the number of beats in the loop using the time signature. (This takes rhythm folks!)
Select Edit ACID Properties > Loop. In the Root note for transposing: field, enter the key of the loop. In the Number of beats (...): field, enter the number of beats counted. Click on OK.
Select Edit Tempo. The number in the Tempo in beats per minute: field should already contain a value that is close to the value provided by the musician that created the loop. Click on OK. If you are viewing the sample in the Measures & Beats status format, then the tick marks should update to reflect the new tempo.