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personal notes from way, _way_ back and maybe today

VBScript, JScript and XML: Flippant Remarks about the XML Features of Internet Explorer 5.x; XMLHTTP; XMLDOM; XML Data Islands

RDS and Data Binding in Internet Explorer (IE) have been replaced by Microsoft's implementation of XML for IE 5.x. The only time I get interested in this stuff is when I say, Wouldn't be cool to have a progress bar in a web page that does not need to refresh every few seconds to see what the server is doing? So far I answer this question with, The solution you are trying to build requires a progress bar for single-user, processor intensive tasks that should not be run from a browser anyway! But just in case I get the progress bar blues I have the following:

"GUI Input: Solving the 'Hard Refresh' Problem Using XML and ASP"

"XMLHTTP: Super Glue for the Web"

"Binding Client Side Controls Dynamically to an XML Data Source Object"

mod date: 2002-01-05T17:24:59.000Z