Although Popeye might believe that iron pumps up muscles, those who are nutrition-savvy know that self-medicating with iron-rich supplements can be a deadly mistake.
That's because one in every 200 to 400 Americans has a genetic condition called hemochromatosis that prevents the body from blocking the absorption of excess dietary iron. Hemochromatosis was once thought to be a rare disease affecting older Caucasian males. But, recent research suggests it's actually the most common genetically related disease in the U.S., with one out of every eight to ten Americans thought to be a carrier.
The effects of iron overload develop slowly over time, which means that many who pop iron pills today won't know the damage they are doing until iron deposits in their heart, liver, and pancreas cause serious health problems. Even without using iron supplements,people with this condition can develop life-threatening iron overload-related diseases, including cirrhosis and liver cancer.
If you have the condition, the key to avoiding long-term problems is early detection and treatment. During your next physical exam, ask your physician about testing for hemochromatosis. If it turns out you have the condition, treatment is as easy as having blood withdrawn on a regular basis.