'------------------------------------------------------------------------ ' ' MODULE ' ' Windows API Utilities ' ' PURPOSE ' ' Provides routines for manipulating Microsoft Access forms and ' windows through the Window API. ' ' NOTES ' ' Most of the symbols in this module are prefixed with 'WU_', ' in an attempt to avoid naming conflicts with library databases. ' '------------------------------------------------------------------------ Option Compare Text ' Non case sensitive compares
' ' Type WU_RECT. ' Type WU_RECT x1 As Integer y1 As Integer x2 As Integer y2 As Integer End Type
' ' Windows API Declarations. ' Declare Function wu_CheckMenuItem Lib "User" Alias "CheckMenuItem" (ByVal hMenu%, ByVal idEnableItem%, ByVal uEnable%) As Integer Declare Sub wu_DrawMenuBar Lib "User" Alias "DrawMenuBar" (ByVal hwnd%) Declare Function wu_EnableMenuItem Lib "User" Alias "EnableMenuItem" (ByVal hMenu%, ByVal idEnableItem%, ByVal uEnable%) As Integer Declare Function wu_GetActiveWindow Lib "User" Alias "GetActiveWindow" () As Integer Declare Function wu_GetClassName Lib "User" Alias "GetClassName" (ByVal hwin%, ByVal stBuf$, ByVal cch%) As Integer Declare Function wu_GetClientRect Lib "User" Alias "GetClientRect" (ByVal hwin%, rectangle As WU_RECT) As Integer Declare Function wu_GetDC Lib "User" Alias "GetDC" (ByVal hw%) As Integer Declare Function wu_GetDesktopWindow Lib "User" Alias "GetDesktopWindow" () As Integer Declare Function wu_GetDeviceCaps Lib "GDI" Alias "GetDeviceCaps" (ByVal hDC%, ByVal iCapability%) As Integer Declare Function wu_GetFocus Lib "User" Alias "GetFocus" () As Integer Declare Function wu_GetMenu Lib "User" Alias "GetMenu" (ByVal hwnd%) As Integer Declare Function wu_GetMenuState Lib "User" Alias "GetMenuState" (ByVal hMenu%, ByVal idItem%, ByVal fuFlags%) As Integer Declare Function wu_GetParent Lib "User" Alias "GetParent" (ByVal hwin%) As Integer Declare Function wu_GetSubMenu Lib "User" Alias "GetSubMenu" (ByVal hMenu%, ByVal nPos%) As Integer Declare Function wu_GetWindow Lib "User" Alias "GetWindow" (ByVal hw%, ByVal nRelationship%) As Integer Declare Function wu_GetWindowRect Lib "User" Alias "GetWindowRect" (ByVal hwin%, rectangle As WU_RECT) As Integer Declare Function wu_IsZoomed Lib "User" Alias "IsZoomed" (ByVal hwnd%) As Integer Declare Function wu_MoveWindow Lib "User" Alias "MoveWindow" (ByVal hwin%, ByVal x%, ByVal y%, ByVal dx%, ByVal dy%, ByVal fRepaint%) As Integer Declare Function wu_SetFocus Lib "User" Alias "SetFocus" (ByVal hwin%) As Integer Declare Function wu_ShowWindow Lib "User" Alias "ShowWindow" (ByVal hwnd%, ByVal i%) As Integer
' ' Constants used in the functions above. ' Const WU_SW_RESTORE = 9 Const WU_GW_HWNDFIRST = 0 Const WU_GW_HWNDLAST = 1 Const WU_GW_HWNDNEXT = 2 Const WU_GW_HWNDPREV = 3 Const WU_GW_OWNER = 4 Const WU_GW_CHILD = 5 Const WU_LOGPIXELSX = 88 Const WU_LOGPIXELSY = 90
' ' Microsoft Access Window Classes. ' Global Const WU_WC_ACCESS = "OMain" Global Const WU_WC_ACCESSDBC = "ODb" Global Const WU_WC_ACCESSTBL = "OTable" Global Const WU_WC_ACCESSQRY = "OQRY" Global Const WU_WC_ACCESSFRM = "OForm" Global Const WU_WC_ACCESSRPT = "OReport" Global Const WU_WC_ACCESSMAC = "OScript" Global Const WU_WC_ACCESSMOD = "OModule" Global Const WU_WC_ACCESSFRMPOPUP = "OFormPopup" Global Const WU_WC_ACCESSTOOLBAR = "OToolbar" Global Const WU_WC_ACCESSMDICLIENT = "MDIClient"
'------------------------------------------------------------------------ ' FUNCTION : wu_ActiveFormName ' ' PURPOSE : Returns the active form's name. ' ' NOTES : If the form is loaded but not yet visible (e.g. it's ' in the OnOpen or initial OnCurrent event, this routine ' will return the null string. This is a handy way of ' determining if you're in the initialization stage of ' a form (like the initial OnCurrent). '------------------------------------------------------------------------ Function wu_ActiveFormName () As String On Error Resume Next
stName$ = Screen.ActiveForm.FormName
If (Err = 0) Then
wu_ActiveFormName = stName$
wu_ActiveFormName = ""
End If
End Function
'------------------------------------------------------------------------ ' FUNCTION : wu_CenterDoc ' ' PURPOSE : Centers a Microsoft Access form. '------------------------------------------------------------------------ Function wu_CenterDoc (hwnd%) As Integer Dim r As WU_RECT, rDesk As WU_RECT Dim dx As Integer, dy As Integer, dxDesk As Integer, dyDesk As Integer
If (hwnd% = 0) Then hwnd = wu_GetCurrentDoc(True)
hwndDesk% = wu_GetParent(hwnd%)
stClass$ = wu_StWindowClass(hwnd%)
' Special case for forms: Move them to 0,0 and do a SizeToFitForm
If (stClass$ = WU_WC_ACCESSFRM) Then
DoCmd MoveSize 0, 0
On Error Resume Next
DoCmd DoMenuItem A_FORMBAR, 4, 5
On Error GoTo 0
End If
' If this is a popup, use the WindowRect of the desktop. Otherwise,
' use the client rect.
f% = wu_GetWindowRect(hwnd%, r)
f% = wu_GetWindowRect(hwndDesk%, rDesk)
f% = wu_GetClientRect(hwndDesk%, rDesk)
End If
dx% = r.x2 - r.x1
dy% = r.y2 - r.y1
dxDesk% = rDesk.x2 - rDesk.x1
dyDesk% = rDesk.y2 - rDesk.y1
If (wu_StWindowClass(hwnd%) = WU_WC_ACCESSFRMPOPUP) Then
f% = wu_MoveWindow(hwnd%, rDesk.x1 + (dxDesk% - dx%) / 2, rDesk.y1 + (dyDesk% - dy%) / 2, dx%, dy%, True)
f% = wu_MoveWindow(hwnd%, (dxDesk% - dx%) / 2, (dyDesk% - dy%) / 2, dx%, dy%, True)
End If
wu_CenterDoc = f%
End Function
'------------------------------------------------------------------------ ' FUNCTION : wu_ConvertTwipsToPixels ' ' PURPOSE : Converts twips to pixels, calling Windows for ' the current device's Logical Pixels in the ' Horizontal or Vertical direction. ' ' ARGUMENTS : nTwips% - The number in twips (will be converted) ' nDirection% - 0=Horizontal, 1=Vertical. '------------------------------------------------------------------------ Function wu_ConvertTwipsToPixels (nTwips%, nDirection%) As Integer Const nTwipsPerInch = 1440
hDC% = wu_GetDC(wu_GetAccessHwnd())
If (nDirection% = 0) Then 'Horizontal
nPixelsPerInch% = wu_GetDeviceCaps(hDC%, WU_LOGPIXELSX)
Else 'Vertical
nPixelsPerInch% = wu_GetDeviceCaps(hDC%, WU_LOGPIXELSY)
End If
wu_ConvertTwipsToPixels = (nTwips% / nTwipsPerInch%) * nPixelsPerInch%
End Function
'------------------------------------------------------------------------ ' FUNCTION : wu_FIsDocument ' ' PURPOSE : Determines whether the given window handle specifies a ' valid Access document. '------------------------------------------------------------------------ Function wu_FIsDocument (hwnd As Integer) As Integer wu_FIsDocument = False stClass$ = wu_StWindowClass(hwnd%) If (stClass$ = WU_WC_ACCESSDBC) Then wu_FIsDocument = True If (stClass$ = WU_WC_ACCESSTBL) Then wu_FIsDocument = True If (stClass$ = WU_WC_ACCESSQRY) Then wu_FIsDocument = True If (stClass$ = WU_WC_ACCESSFRM) Then wu_FIsDocument = True If (stClass$ = WU_WC_ACCESSRPT) Then wu_FIsDocument = True If (stClass$ = WU_WC_ACCESSMAC) Then wu_FIsDocument = True If (stClass$ = WU_WC_ACCESSMOD) Then wu_FIsDocument = True If (stClass$ = WU_WC_ACCESSFRMPOPUP) Then wu_FIsDocument = True End Function
'------------------------------------------------------------------------ ' FUNCTION : wu_FMenuChecked ' ' PURPOSE : Returns True if the specified menu item has a check ' mark next to it. ' ' ARGUMENTS : iMenu% - The index of the drop down menu ' iItem% - The index of the item on the menu ' ' Both of these arguments are zero based. '------------------------------------------------------------------------ Function wu_FMenuChecked (iMenu%, iItem%) As Integer
' If the current form is Zoomed, account for the system menu.
If (wu_IsZoomed(Screen.ActiveForm.hwnd)) Then
iMenu% = iMenu% + 1
End If
hMainMenu% = wu_GetMenu(wu_GetAccessHwnd())
hMenu% = wu_GetSubMenu(hMainMenu%, iMenu%)
wu_FMenuChecked = (wu_GetMenuState(hMenu%, iItem%, fuFlags%) <> 0)
End Function
'------------------------------------------------------------------------ ' FUNCTION : wu_FMenuEnabled ' ' PURPOSE : Returns True if the specified menu item is enabled. ' ' ARGUMENTS : iMenu% - The index of the drop down menu ' iItem% - The index of the item on the menu ' ' Both of these arguments are zero based. '------------------------------------------------------------------------ Function wu_FMenuEnabled (iMenu%, iItem%) As Integer
' If the current form is Zoomed, account for the system menu.
If (wu_IsZoomed(Screen.ActiveForm.hwnd)) Then
iMenu% = iMenu% + 1
End If
hMainMenu% = wu_GetMenu(wu_GetAccessHwnd())
hMenu% = wu_GetSubMenu(hMainMenu%, iMenu%)
wu_FMenuEnabled = (wu_GetMenuState(hMenu%, iItem%, fuFlags%) = 0)
End Function
'------------------------------------------------------------------------ ' FUNCTION : wu_GetAccessHwnd() ' ' PURPOSE : Returns a handle the the Access window. '------------------------------------------------------------------------ Function wu_GetAccessHwnd () As Integer hwnd% = wu_GetActiveWindow() While ((wu_StWindowClass(hwnd%) <> WU_WC_ACCESS) And (hwnd% <> 0)) hwnd% = wu_GetParent(hwnd%) Wend wu_GetAccessHwnd = hwnd% End Function
'------------------------------------------------------------------------ ' FUNCTION : wu_GetCurrentDoc ' ' PURPOSE : Retrieves the handle to the active Access document. ' If the fPopup flag is specified as TRUE, popup forms ' will be included. If the fPopup flag is FALSE, Access ' will be activated first (a side effect). '------------------------------------------------------------------------ Function wu_GetCurrentDoc (fPopup%) As Integer If (Not fPopup%) Then hwnd% = wu_GetAccessHwnd() If (hwnd% <> 0) Then hwnd% = wu_SetFocus(hwnd%) End If hwnd% = wu_GetFocus() While (Not (wu_FIsDocument(hwnd%)) And (hwnd% <> 0)) hwnd% = wu_GetParent(hwnd%) Wend wu_GetCurrentDoc = hwnd% End Function
'------------------------------------------------------------------------ ' FUNCTION : wu_GetMDIClientHwnd() ' ' PURPOSE : Returns a handle the the Access MDIClient window. '------------------------------------------------------------------------ Function wu_GetMDIClientHwnd () As Integer Dim hwnd As Integer hwnd = wu_GetAccessHwnd() hwnd = wu_GetWindow(hwnd, WU_GW_CHILD) While ((wu_StWindowClass(hwnd) <> WU_WC_ACCESSMDICLIENT) And (hwnd <> 0)) hwnd = wu_GetWindow(hwnd, WU_GW_HWNDNEXT) Wend wu_GetMDIClientHwnd = hwnd End Function
'------------------------------------------------------------------------ ' FUNCTION : wu_GetScreenSize ' ' PURPOSE : Stores the screen size in r (a rectangle) '------------------------------------------------------------------------ Function wu_GetScreenSize (r As WU_RECT) As Integer hwnd% = wu_GetDesktopWindow() f% = wu_GetWindowRect(hwnd%, r) wu_GetScreenSize = f% End Function
'------------------------------------------------------------------------ ' FUNCTION : wu_GetToolbarHwnd ' ' PURPOSE : Returns the handle of the toolbar if it is open. '------------------------------------------------------------------------ Function wu_GetToolbarHwnd () As Integer hwnd% = wu_GetAccessHwnd() hwnd% = wu_GetWindow(hwnd%, WU_GW_CHILD) While ((wu_StWindowClass(hwnd%) <> WU_WC_ACCESSTOOLBAR) And (hwnd% <> 0)) hwnd% = wu_GetWindow(hwnd%, WU_GW_HWNDNEXT) Wend wu_GetToolbarHwnd = hwnd% End Function
'------------------------------------------------------------------------ ' FUNCTION : wu_SetAccessSize ' ' PURPOSE : Sizes the Access window to the specified coordinates. ' Coordinates should be given in pixels. '------------------------------------------------------------------------ Function wu_SetAccessSize (x%, y%, dx%, dy%) As Integer hwnd% = wu_GetAccessHwnd() If (wu_IsZoomed(hwnd%)) Then f% = wu_ShowWindow(hwnd%, WU_SW_RESTORE) End If f% = wu_MoveWindow(hwnd%, x%, y%, dx%, dy%, True) wu_SetAccessSize = f% End Function
'------------------------------------------------------------------------ ' FUNCTION : wu_SetMenuChecked ' ' PURPOSE : Sets the checkmark next to a menu item on or off. ' ' ARGUMENTS : iMenu% - The index of the drop down menu ' iItem% - The index of the item on the menu ' Both of these arguments are zero based. ' fChecked% - True to show the checkmark, false otherwise. '------------------------------------------------------------------------ Function wu_SetMenuChecked (iMenu%, iItem%, fChecked%) As Integer
' If the current form is Zoomed, account for the system menu.
If (wu_IsZoomed(Screen.ActiveForm.hwnd)) Then
iMenu% = iMenu% + 1
End If
hMainMenu% = wu_GetMenu(wu_GetAccessHwnd())
hMenu% = wu_GetSubMenu(hMainMenu%, iMenu%)
If (fChecked%) Then
End If
f% = wu_CheckMenuItem(hMenu%, iItem%, fuFlags%)
wu_DrawMenuBar wu_GetAccessHwnd()
wu_SetMenuChecked = f%
End Function
'------------------------------------------------------------------------ ' FUNCTION : wu_SetMenuEnabled ' ' PURPOSE : Enables or disables a menu item. ' ' ARGUMENTS : iMenu% - The index of the drop down menu ' iItem% - The index of the item on the menu ' Both of these arguments are zero based. ' fEnabled% - True to show the checkmark, false otherwise. '------------------------------------------------------------------------ Function wu_SetMenuEnabled (iMenu%, iItem%, fEnabled%) As Integer ' If the current form is Zoomed, account for the system menu.
If (wu_IsZoomed(Screen.ActiveForm.hwnd)) Then
iMenu% = iMenu% + 1
End If
hMainMenu% = wu_GetMenu(wu_GetAccessHwnd())
hMenu% = wu_GetSubMenu(hMainMenu%, iMenu%)
If (fEnabled%) Then
End If
f% = wu_EnableMenuItem(hMenu%, iItem%, fuFlags%)
wu_DrawMenuBar wu_GetAccessHwnd()
wu_SetMenuEnabled = f%
End Function
'------------------------------------------------------------------------ ' FUNCTION : wu_StWindowClass ' ' PURPOSE : A simple cover function to the Windows API call. '------------------------------------------------------------------------ Function wu_StWindowClass (hwnd As Integer) As String Const cchMax = 255 Dim stBuff As String * cchMax cch% = wu_GetClassName(hwnd, stBuff, cchMax) If (hwnd% = 0) Then wu_StWindowClass = "" Else wu_StWindowClass = (Left$(stBuff, cch%)) End If End Function