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VB: ADO; Using the Number Property of the ADO Error Object

In the same manner we can intercept certain error numbers for VBA errors we can do the same for ADO "data" errors. The trick is finding a list of the numbers. MS KB article Q168354 ("INFO: Underlying OLE and OLEDB Provider Errors Exposed via ADO") provides one great place to look. The sample code below illustrates:

Private Sub EnvironmentErr(ByRef DataErr As ADODB.Error, _
    Optional ByVal ObjName = vbNullString)

    Select Case DataErr.Number
        Case -2147217900
            p_strErrMsg = "ADO Environment Error: " _
                & "An Object associated with """ _
                & ObjName & """ was not found."
        Case -2147467259
            p_strErrMsg = "ADO Environment Error: " _
                & "Connection to Data Source """ _
                & pADOcnn.Properties("Data Source") _
                & """ failed." & vbCrLf _
                & "The specified Catalog """ _
                & pADOcnn.Properties("Initial Catalog") _
                & """ was not found."
        Case Else
            p_strErrMsg = "ADO Environment Error: " _
                & DataErr.Number & ": " & DataErr.Description
    End Select
End Sub
mod date: 2000-02-10T06:52:09.000Z