Namespace Songhay.Publications.Models
- CloneInitializers
Centralizes initializers for CloneExtensions.
- DaisyConsortiumNcx
Defines the contents needed to write the DaisyConsortiumNcxToc file.
- Document
Publications Document.
- Fragment
Publications Fragment
- IdpfPackage
Defines the content to write the International Digital Publishing Forum IdpfcOpfManifest file.
- ImageCandidate
Defines a responsive-image candidate.
- ImageSize
Defines responsive-image sizes.
- IndexCommands
Conventional command names for markdown indices
- IndexEntry
Implements IIndexEntry.
- IndexKeyword
Publications keyword.
- IndexKeywordGroup
Publication Index Keyword.
- MarkdownEntry
Defines a conventional, Publication entry.
- MarkdownPresentationCommands
Conventional command names for markdown presentations
- MarkdownPresentationDirectories
Defines the conventional directory names of the markdown presentation.
- OebpsTextBiography
Defines the content to write the EpubFileBiography file.
- OebpsTextCopyright
Defines the content to write the EpubFileCopyright file.
- OebpsTextDedication
Defines the content to write the EpubFileDedication file.
- OebpsTextToc
Defines the content to write the EpubFileToc file.
- PublicationAppScalars
Centralizes magic strings.
- PublicationChapter
Defines content for the chapter of an EPUB publication.
- PublicationFiles
Centralizes the EPUB files.
- PublicationNamespaces
Centralizes XML namespaces primarily for EPUB. pipelines.
- ResponsiveImage
Defines a responsive image.
- SearchIndexEntry
Defines the Search Index Entry.
- Segment
Publications Segment.